Servicios de maquillaje

Descubre el poder del maquillaje hecho por una experta. Cambia o mejora tu apariencia para sentirte más seguro y empoderado.

Glam Up Your Look with Expert Makeup

Explore our range of makeup services at Unique Beauty & Style. Our skilled makeup artists bring out the best in you, whether it's for a special event or a daily touch of glamour. From natural beauty to bold transformations, our makeup services cater to every style. Discover the art of enhancing your features with our signature makeup expertise. Let us create a look that's uniquely yours!


Maquillaje novia

1 hora, 30 minutos

Maquillaje Ocasión General con pestañas

45 min

Prueba de maquillaje

2 horas, 30 minutos

Unique Beauty & Style. The home of the best Hair And Makeup Perth.

Since 2018, Unique Beauty & Style is a one-stop hair & beauty salon, adorning the people of Perth with the best Brazil has to offer, with classic cuts for natural hair, nail treatments, facial treatments, body treatments, and much more. Similarly to a traditional Brazilian beauty salon, our vision and business model centres around providing a wide range of services and treatments, all in one place, so each and every one of our clients can walk out the door feeling pampered and Unique…


+61 452 522 669


Dom, Lun: cerrado
Martes, miércoles, viernes y sábados: 9:00 a. m. — 5:00 p. m.
Jueves: 9:00 am — 9:00 pm


Calle Beaufort 649,
Monte Lawley, WA 6050,

Ofrecemos servicios para mujeres para que se sientan cómodas y bien atendidas en esta joya de lugar. El salón de belleza número uno en Perth.

Cuidar tu cabello y belleza no es un gasto, es una inversión en autoestima.

©2024. Unique Beauty & Style. All Rights Reserved.


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